Rice is a versatile grain consumed by people around the world. It serves as a staple food for many people, rice comes in several colors, shapes, and sizes, but the most popular are white and brown rice. White rice is the most commonly consumed type, but brown rice is widely recognized as a healthier option.

Many people prefer brown rice for this reason.

The Difference Between Brown And White Rice: 

All rice consists almost entirely of carbs, with small amounts of protein and practically no fat.

Antinutrients are plant compounds that may reduce your body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients. Brown rice contains an anti-nutrient known as phytic acid or phytate. It may also contain higher amounts of arsenic, a toxic chemical.

While phytic acid may offer some health benefits, it also reduces your body’s ability to absorb iron and zinc from the food.

Brown rice tends to be higher in arsenic than white rice. However, this should not be a problem if you eat rice in moderation as part of a varied diet. A few servings per week should be fine.

Which type should you eat? 

Brown rice is generally more nutritious than white rice. It’s higher in fiber, magnesium, and other nutrients, and it isn’t artificially enriched with nutrients like white rice is. Brown rice is the best, choice in terms of nutritional quality and health benefits. That said, either type of rice can be part of a healthy diet and there is nothing wrong with some white rice every now and then.

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